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Weekly Horoscope Reading: 19th-25th Dec

See what’s written for you this week!

Horoscope Reading 19-25th Dec 2022

Get your weekly horoscope from the 19th-25th December 2022. Find out what’s written in the stars for you this week as Emire goes through your chart!

Aries, Rising Aries

Relationships are on your agenda this week. The fact that Mars has been retrograde in Gemini for a long time causes misunderstandings in relations with close circles, neighbors, and siblings. On the other hand, it tells you how you can use your talents more efficiently and make arrangements where you live. With the Moon in Libra this week, sudden and unexpected opportunities and chances may arise. Maybe something over will make you say ‘Thank God,’ or a theme that you overlooked or thought would not happen anymore will reappear in your life. Partnerships, loans, and debts will come to the fore in the middle of the week. While some of you struggle to overcome emotional crises and seek solutions to deep-seated problems, you may be concerned about whether you can express yourself adequately. Some of you will go to some mandatory arrangements regarding financial matters. As of Thursday, distant, foreign issues and development areas will appear in front of you. Quite exciting, but in the lunar balsamic phase, before you act, the moon wants us to finish the unfinished business. Emotionally it will also strengthen our desire to turn more within ourselves. A new moon occurs in Capricorn at the weekend. It is a good time for promising developments and happy gatherings related to your duties, career, public standing, and family elders. Make sure you stay moderate with this delightful time for new pursuits and exciting beginnings.

Taurus, Rising Taurus

We’re heading into a short week. There’s much work to complete and multiple themes to catch up on, so you might already be a little tired this Monday. It’s good to take care of your health. With the moon going into Scorpio, personal relations and new contacts come to the fore in the middle of the week. You will need to speak openly about some confusing issues that need to be settled. You can withdraw yourself by not compromising your independence in some matters where you are in a dilemma and by allowing a certain distance and time to the process. With the transition of Jupiter to the sign of Aries, you can take luck in matters that you think you have no control over, and you will be able to motivate yourself with new joys instead of mourning the things that are left behind or that have expired in your life. Before the weekend, there will be agendas about financials, partnerships, and new projects. If you have a visa process, you may be busy collecting missing documents or dealing with the problems you need to solve as a support force for the house of the significant one in your life. The new moon that will occur in Capricorn at the weekend; will bring your travels abroad, having a master’s degree, perhaps some legal issues, and signatures and decisions that need to be revised to your agenda. You need to know that you are safe, and do not hesitate to express your inner voice constructively these days when you deserve what you have with hard work and effort.

Gemini, Rising Gemini

Maybe you have the sadness of having left behind a pleasant week. All the chores you have to deal with will occupy your business agenda. However, Jupiter’s sign changes, and your social environment, friendships, and new projects will start a pleasant process as of the middle of the week. In the first two days, you may have to turn a blind eye to some sanctions and explain yourself to elders or authority figures. We can think of it a bit like steeplechase, except at the beginning of the week. It is also essential to take care of your health. In your private relations, some responsibilities regarding the partner and some requests seeking solutions may also be on your agenda in this process. Instead of repeating the same mistakes, remind yourself that you can master the crisis with a different attitude this time. With the moon’s entry into Sagittarius on Thursday, you can make the final preparations for a new or previously made announcement and close one more file successfully. It can be challenging to be motivated, and it isn’t easy to stand behind your decisions or stay emotionally stable. Still, the moon’s position is already waiting for us to interpret the process within ourselves and take a serious step. The new moon in Capricorn will bring some fluctuations in your income, search for new investments, and perhaps the idea of ​​a new life abroad to your agenda as of the weekend. This period may also go down in history for some of you as the time when the relationship moves to the next level.

Cancer, Rising Cancer

While you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities, you are also trying to manage relationships skillfully, making the moment easier with creative solutions. You may want to stay in the house only a little while all this is happening. Since the summer, a flow outside of you seems to be holding your agenda on your behalf. You will leave this tension aside and explore how to pamper yourself in the middle of the week. Without fearing or caring too much about appearing selfish, you will take advantage of all the external circumstances that put you in a difficult position to challenge restrictive imperatives. All your priorities are your responsibilities and your career in the upcoming period, anyway. Why not choose to do it with pleasure? Now your desire to try different things, to catch a new routine, is getting stronger. Before the weekend comes, you will masterfully plan the entire daily routine. Only these two days before the weekend are you susceptible to food poisoning or muscle damage while playing sports. Be careful. The new moon will occur at the weekend in Capricorn and will be experienced in serious relationships, ventures, and partnerships. It will start a period in which you choose to attack. Instead of spectating and waiting, you will take a clear stance to get what you want. You can even be a little assertive and a little bossy. It is also a good time for new acquaintances, and the retroactive signatures and agreements that should be made may also make you smile during this period.

Leo, Rising Leo

In addition to the struggle in the social environment, you may be entering the week with a rush to move. At the beginning of the week, some developments regarding short-distance travel or relatives will also be in your spread. With Jupiter entering Aries, you will put your fears aside by the middle of the week. This effect will open the door of new development and strengthen your desire for a way around different possibilities; your energy is coming back to get that education; to roll up your sleeves for a new commercial process. You may notice that new communication channels are popping up or that you will see you can reach much more limits. Your creativity will also be high on the topics that go through these new issues during the week. It’s a lively midweek with the excitement of specializing in new areas. Even if you start the week tired, it seems like you will feel better. The new moon in Capricorn is to support you in making positive and personal changes in your health with a new diet or exercise plan. At the same time, this period, about the work you are currently working on, thrown and overlooked details; you seem to be putting new development opportunities simultaneously, both by keeping them alive, by the hustle and bustle of the place where you live. It is essential to make sure that you do not neglect your health.

Virgo, Rising Virgo

We are opening the week with a Monday that you are hung up on to achieve the financially desired goal. There are new projects and solutions, but they all float in the open or on the horizon like a distant dream. However, with increasing communication and innovative strategies mid-week, you will have an existential sigh to hiss that all this is not a dream and might come true literally. You may have clear responsibilities, start to build plans for your future, a trip opportunity will come up, or determine a new arrangement where you live regarding your siblings/relatives. It is essential to master aggression to manage restlessness at home before the weekend. With the new moon in Capricorn, your love statements, children, and new projects are in your focus. You can take significant risks in a speculative investment or roll up your sleeves for a fun and exciting project. Now you can get financial support for a project accepted before. Whatever it is, it will excite your inner child first.

Libra, Rising Libra

We start the week with a Monday where the search for balance is felt strongly. We may have problems looking for solutions in long-term relationships, or searching for a long-term relationship occupies our minds. Whatever is on our current agenda, there is an uneasiness within us that increases our concerns about the future of this issue. Maybe it’s a legal issue or our inexperience with an experience we didn’t know existed. A mood we’re afraid of being seen… A precious week where we can explore the learned helplessness that comes from the family. Whatever it is, it’s good to know that we’re going through a struggle that will make us feel strong. We will see this more clearly in the middle of the week as Jupiter enters the area of ​​new relationships and business opportunities. If we have this relationship, it will enable the person in our life to solve their problems, and if we do not have a significant one, it might bring the excitement of a new relationship. It will also start a reasonable period for encountering new job opportunities or working with the right consultants on issues we feel inexperienced with. We can look at life with more hope, and after a long time, we can reconnect with our inner voice. The new moon support that will take place over the weekend will allow us to see the things that really matter to us in life. We can experience strong awareness of family, home, and returning to our roots. Maybe we can encounter a surprise financial support.

Scorpio, Rising Scorpio

While preparing to finish a year, you must change many things in yourself, maybe where you live, or at least you are mentally convinced to do so. Also, this week, you put your own needs on the shelf again and opened the week with the demands and expectations of others. Responsibilities might push you to run behind the scenes. However, this process is valuable in terms of communicating with your depths, realizing your fears and, becoming more assertive, discovering the inner voice that is slowing you down and holding you back from putting an end to your worries. You can renew your image in the middle of the week and prioritize your routine checks for your health. You are entering a period where you will discover what will make you feel precious in the increasing communication traffic and travel tempo, regardless of material or moral. It is also a good time for you to believe in yourself to get your rights in your relationship or business partnerships and to resolve the issues with constructive discussions. Be constructive because you have difficulty figuring out exactly what you need, so staying in a healthy exploration mode is essential. The new moon in Capricorn at the weekend will make you feel the peace born out of controlling these changes. You will also be experiencing increased communication in your immediate environment, pleasant times with your loved ones, maybe signatures, and opportunities to show your talents.

Sagittarius, Rising Sagittarius

It is time, your expectations for your goals are high, and your understanding of yourself is low. While finding peace in intimate relationships has been challenging since summer, you start the week with the chaos in your social environment, and the long-term projects must be planned. Thanks to the positive interpretations of Mars in the Gemini retro course, you can respond with a healthy and robust defense if you manage your energy correctly against all the cases that challenge you. With the transit of Jupiter to Aries in the week, you will be able to express your expectations more clearly in the explanations. Being visible in a group, picking up an idea, or assigning a duty that covers the other’s interests. It may also be natural to decide to have a child or to take bold steps to grow your brand. However, with the support of the new moon that will occur at the end of the week, you will see a clear difference that will make your inner body happy and progress very quickly. The important thing is not to move forward impulsively. Because needs may arise and it may need spending for them… Going fast can cause you to make wrong decisions and open up in terms of budget.

Capricorn, Rising Capricorn

Hello, from a week ready to remind you even if you don’t forget that you are a duty person. You will experience the excitement of knowing that you are on active duty in more than one area from the beginning to the end of the week. The increased mental fatigue and emotional tension you feel in your relationships with your relatives pass by the middle of the week. With proper planning, you can skillfully use your existing talents to achieve the challenge. If you manage to act without thinking, you can thank the past again for all your efforts. The pre-weekend Moon in Sagittarius is an excellent time to communicate with those far away, make travel plans, or give your best to those in need of care. During this period, your sleep may become sensitive, and you may become aware of your subconscious through your dreams. The new moon, which will take place in your sign at the weekend, will be an introductory period for making new beginnings, taking care of your health, and realizing yourself. With the happiness of leaving behind a week that you will be proud of, you may prefer to spare time for your own needs. Don’t you think it’s time?

Aquarius, Rising Aquarius

You’re entering a week where you need clarification on what’s going on. Too much of life exists with the tiredness of communication and living as if you are trying to find something in the dark. You may need to take the initiative for your career or the family during the week because of things beyond your control. You may have some serious conversations that get the attention. Jupiter’s transit into Aries will increase your chances of being connected abroad while magnifying your fears. It will strengthen your faith to get a result from communications. Before the weekend, it’s an excellent time to get some mind-blowing advice from seniors about your dilemmas and goals or research your opportunities. The new moon will facilitate decision-making in Capricorn that occurs over the weekend. This new moon, which will make visible the themes of money, happiness, peace, and the need to enjoy life, will also enable you to face the exaggerations that cause stress. This process is possible, like a time of transformation after the confrontations.

Pisces, Rising Pisces

We have entered a week to understand how you use your power among the customers’ expectations, the demand of your partners, the problem of the long-term relationship, and your desires, among all these. You can review how you interpret the surroundings and your evaluation criteria, and you can have serious conversations with the people around you, with evaluations according to the real needs of all. It feels like all subjects under your responsibility must be completed. Yes, you have a limited range of motion, and urgency is real, but Jupiter’s transition into Aries will help you. This favorable transit on the weekend will become even more evident with the upcoming new moon in Capricorn regarding the needed confidence boost, financial recovery, and revival of your hopes. New moon; while revealing new projects and goals, the confident manners will gain pace. You can enter a new environment, be guided to deal with different things, and take risks. You may look at your 2023 goals from a different perspective by rewarding a value you have. It could be a relationship, a child’s decision, or an investment opportunity. Calm down but think big.

For a personal reading, contact Emire here.

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