You may have seen videos of this TikTok social media star Elena Huelva as she shared with her followers the journey of her beating cancer. However, sadly, Elena’s journey came to an end when she passed away on the 3rd of January 2023, her family reporting the news online.
@elenahuelva Transfusión de plaquetas y a casita // ig : elenahuelva02 #fuckcancer #cancer #transfusion #plaquetas #misganasganan ♬ sonido original – IsaacBelk
The Spanish influencer put smiles on 852.2k of her followers and those who stumbled across her profile. Elena would dance through her, troubles as well as tell her followers she will beat cancer. In 2019, Elena was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare type of cancer tumor that forms from a certain kind of cell in a bone or soft tissue.
Before the social media influencer passed away, she shared with her followers the struggle of getting through each day and that her health was deteriorating slowly. Her fans and followers gave the encouragement and support Elena needed to feel stronger, however, like many cancer patients, she could no longer fight the disease.
Many people flocked to Elena’s Instagram and TikTok to share their condolences, paying their respects to the influencer who gave them hope day by day and who lives on in their memories. Elena had 993k followers on her Instagram page with people giving her messages of love, and these messages have now carried on, but to her family who are now in mourning for their loved one.
On the 3rd of January, Elena posted her final Instagram post waking up saying “not in the best way” and that her days were getting harder, but she was staying strong. “I want you to know that I already won, a long time ago” she writes, with a picture of her family members holding onto her hand. “We continue always.”
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