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Kuwaiti: influencer Fatima Almomen lab results disclosed

A follow-up on the car crash investigation with fashion influencer Fatima Almomen

Fatima Almomen drug test results disclosed

Fashion influencer Fatima Almomen has been given her drug test results back after being involved in a fatal car accident that killed two people.

Read about the accident here: Fatima Almomen causes fatal accident

Video leaked

On Thursday early morning, there was a serious collision with four people involved. A Kuwaiti fashion influencer was involved in a car crash that killed two people after crossing a red light and slamming into a vehicle. Two of the passengers Walid Jassim Muhammad Al-Mutairi and Yousef Badr Al-Kaami who were in the car were unfortunately announced dead.

Due to the severity of the accident and the influencer who was involved, the video was leaked and those who were fans of Fatima were stunned after watching the footage.

A source told Al-Arabiya that contrary to stories on social media, laboratory analysis confirmed that no drugs were found in Fatima Almomen’s car

Drug test results

Kuwaiti fashionista Fatima Almomen’s drug test results returned to the lab and showed no signs of drug use during the accident.

The accident that happened caused an uproar on social media platforms in Kuwait after the video that was leaked was circulated. Rumours were made that Almomen was under the influencer, however the results showed negative.

Fatima Almomen was charged with 10 offences which included manslaughter, causing accidental injury, speeding, driving under the influencer of alcohol or narcotics, crossing a red light, driving with invalid insurance, reckless driving, not carrying a license, damaging public property, and damaging the property of others.

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior also released a statement saying that the decision was to “imprison Almomen for 10 days as a precautionary measure pending investigation, and to refer her to the Central Prison in preparation for her transfer to the competent court, and to release the vehicle driver’s escort.”

The Public Prosecution refused a request for bail. 

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