Journalist Piers Morgan finds his Twitter account hacked into this morning and may not even realise it yet as the time in England is just 4 AM. A rumor had been shared on his account from “Piers” that controversial influencer Andrew Tate had been “shot dead in Dubai” just 1 hour ago.
BREAKING NEWS: Andrew Tate has been found shot dead in Dubai.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 27, 2022
The account has also been to have posted offensive and derogatory language which will be taken as a serious accusation once/if the hacker is found.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 27, 2022
Signs of being Hacked
If you think you have been hacked or noticed someone else may have been hacked, these are the signs you should look out for:
- Unusual Tweets – As a journalist, it’s not unusual for Piers to upload ‘Breaking News’ like this, however, by researching online, you will find there is no other news to back up this source, and nor has it been posted on any of his other social media channels.
- Direct Messages – If you receive a DM from a celebrity or influencer asking for money or a conversation that you find is a little “out of the ordinary” then this is a red flag.
- Profile Picture Removed or Changed
- Notification from Twitter to state your personal information has been changed.
- Notified that your password is no longer working.
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