More often than not, we find ourselves scrolling through LinkedIn and falling upon amusing content, wishing the funny reaction on LinkedIn would get released already to properly engage with the post at hand, and let’s just say that the professional platform is now making our wishes come true, as it getting closer to releasing the long awaited feature!
A few days ago, app researcher Nima Owji, took it to Twitter to show his followers a glimpse of what the funny reaction on LinkedIn will look like.

While many people might think that this addition doesn’t really belong on LinkedIn, seeing that the platform was created to build professional networks and find career opportunities, others (including us) believe that there’s always room for a few jokes, especially those that are related to the workspace or sometimes even the hiring process such as the following classic:

When asked about the funny reaction on LinkedIn, even LinkedIn’s Chief Product Officer Tomer Cohen said that:
“One of the top requests we got was for a laughing emoji reaction. We hear you loud & clear and we agree. Humor is indeed a serious business.”
Those who actually stand against the funny reaction on LinkedIn believe that it will only encourage some of the platform’s “influencers” to spam their following base with funny memes or content, which could be stolen by the way, only to attract more engagement to their post; only time will tell if their point of view will actually hold up.
To add to that, this isn’t the first time LinkedIn has listened to their users and added a new feature based on their interests. In June 2020, the network added the ‘celebrate’ reaction in response to the endless posts that were circulating about the pandemic.

We are still in the dark as to when the new feature is going to go live and it hasn’t been added to its Help page for Reactions yet but what we do know is that the format and visual style look rather complete, which could mean that it’s going to be ready to use very soon.
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