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How to post sensitive content online

Following the news of Cristiano Ronaldo losing his baby boy, we tackle how to post sensitive content.

How to post sensitive content on social media

Cristiano Ronaldo, the most followed celebrity on Instagram with 429 million followers recently posted on his social media a statement following the death of his baby boy. Georgina, his wife, also shared the post on her feed after giving birth to twins with only their baby girl surviving.

The news which soon spread over social media quite quickly also spread the awareness of the effects of baby loss. We wanted to talk about the importance of sharing personal stories or posts on social media, and how to post it.

If you feel that the information you would like to post will be valuable for yourself or to others then you should articulate you’re post. Keeping it short and simple, is normally a good idea for super sensitive content if you’re sharing something big and personal. Social media is all about connecting with others and being authentic is a positive way of relating to the wider audience and engaging with others. If it’s respect and personal space that you want then it’s good to let, your followers know to allow you time to deal with what you’re going through.

It’s also important to be considerate to others by posting a warning trigger at the beginning as some readers may be sensitive to the content. Check your tone of voice, and think before you type. When we feel a certain type of way, our language changes because we are in a different frame of mind. Before posting, think about why you are posting, what you want to achieve, and the awareness you’re trying to create.

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