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Protecting your privacy
Ever come across a slightly controversial/offensive/provocative/weird post on X and lol-ed?? Ever wanted to like it but stopped yourself last minute, reconsidering what your followers might think of you?? Well, with the platform’s new feature, you no longer have to overanalyze how people will perceive you. The social media site is now giving you more freedom to Like whatever you want without fear of people stalking your Likes and questioning why they’re friends with you!
Enhancing the platform
In that same way, the Meta-owned social network is hoping to encourage people to Like more posts, increasing user engagement and giving the algorithm more personalized data to fit your weird taste. So it really is a win-win situation! X has been introducing a few more features to enhance your experience. Read more about them here.
Expanding the feature
Last September, this invisible Likes feature was developed for paying users as a Profile Customization option to hide their Likes.

This feature is now being expanded to everyone. This means that:
some clarifications on the private likes change:
— Enrique (@enriquebrgn) May 22, 2024
– you will be able to see who liked your posts
– you can see the like count for all posts / replies / etc
– you cannot see the people who liked someone else's post
– you cannot see others "Liked" tab on their profile
Do you like this new no Liked tab feature? Read more.
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