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WHO and Snapchat team up to fight COVID-19 with new lens

Snapchat is launching its newest lens to raise awareness on the WHO’s efforts in combating COVID-19.

WHO and Snapchat team up to fight COVID-19 with new lens

Snapchat is continuing its expansion of its COVID-19 awareness efforts with the WHO.

Snapchat has launched a new Lens using Snap’s image recognition system to place a new World Health Organization image and visual when one scans a currency note from their region, according to Social Media Today.

Through the Snapchat camera, Snapchatters can scan 23 international currency notes across 33 countries, bringing up an AR visualization of how donations support the World Health Organization’s immediate response efforts to track the spread of COVID-19, ensure patients get the care they need, and provide frontline workers with critical supplies,” Snapchat explained. “Snapchatters can then easily donate, and encourage friends to do the same by sending Snaps of the experience.”

This process allows users to scan a note through Snap’s camera in order to trigger a 3D animation above the note on the screen. As this AR experience is happening, users can tap on the “More” button at any time, in order to take them towards an information screen on the WHO website where they can donate to the WHO’s efforts, according to Social Media Today.

This currency triggered AR experience is highlighting Snapchat’s evolving recognition tools for visuals which have been in development for years; however, it is only just starting to become widely available for brand campaigns and ad experiences, according to Social Media Today.

Read more about Snapchat’s oingoing awarness efforts regarding COVID-19, here.

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