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Influencer Marketing: When should you start hiring a team?

Are you an influencer who feels burnt out from work? It may be a sign to start hiring for help!


Do you feel stuck? Losing creativity? Are you burning out? It might be time to hire somebody for your team. As an influencer, you may be multitasking by uploading videos or posts on different social media channels, creating those videos or posts to upload, or even replying back to multiple messages to make sure you’re engaging with your audience. Whatever it may be, the stress could get too much and you may be looking for an answer. Well, the answer is here.

Below is a list of people to think about hiring and being part of your team. With substantial income coming into your brand/company, this may be the best investment you make.

1. Brand Manager & Web Designer

Whether your influencer business is booming, or you’re starting off, hiring a brand manager/web designer may help you to understand and create a brand image. Branding really helps with choosing your colour palette, what you stand for, who your customer/audience is, your logo design, and how you are catering to that particular audience.

If you can find a 2-in-1 brand manager and web designer, you can then have the brand manager create the web design for you, making sure to tick off all of the elements you discussed for your branding.

2. Video Editor

Instagram Reels have become a huge part of Instagram’s algorithm, and therefore video editing is quite important to creating content in general. If you are also a YouTuber, then it takes time to first create your script, set up the recording, make sure you look the part, and then after all of the different takes, or however long it takes you to record, you then have to edit the video.

Some people enjoy the editing side more than creating the video, but others may be a little more impatient and want to get the job done at a good high-quality level, and fast. There are also individuals who want to explore different editing styles that they may not have the ability or skills to do and therefore need to outsource and hire.

If you feel like your content is amazing but the edits are not, then it may be time to hire as this investment will really help you, in the long run, to understand your video style and create a theme running throughout your video creations.

3. Thumbnail Creator

You may not know it already, but thumbnails are very important when creating a video. Have you heard of the term “click-bait”? Click-bait is something that screams out to you, making you want to click on the content and see more.

There is no point in making the best video on the internet, but it’s ruining because of your thumbnail. If you’re unsure of whether your thumbnail is good or bad, there are online sites that will check your thumbnail, and if it is clickable.

4. PR Agency & Influencer Marketing

Are you doing really well, but feel as though you’re not working with the brands that are best suited to you? Join a PR agency or influencer marketing agency like ITP Live. By joining an agency, you are giving them a cut, but also working with the best and top brands in the industry to make your content even more rated online.

With agencies, you may have to pay a fee, but with the influencer marketing agency ITP Live, we do not charge anything to sign-up – we contact you if you fit the job!

5. Digital Business Manager

If you are really overwhelmed now with all of the requests you are getting, and getting sent a load of questions or enquires from collaborations or work, then it may be good to hire a Digital Business Manager who is the person to contact to help you stay on track with your goals and answers people’s questions or enquires.

An agency will also cover this for you or can be your point of contact if you need any help or suggestions on how to manage your time.

6. Virtual Assistant

If you’re social media inbox (business and personal), is overflowing and you haven’t had time to get back to everyone, a virtual assistant will organise your inbox for you and reply back to your emails.

To some, it may sound lazy, but to other mega-influencers, it will help to have a healthy balance of being creative and getting someone to help you or manage the business side. Remember, you can’t do everything and if you can, you will end up overwhelming yourself! Get the help, if you need the help.

7. Blog and SEO Manager

Are you an influencer who has a website? It may be a good idea to keep updating that website by creating a blog and optimising your content by hiring an SEO manager. Having daily blogs relevant to the content, you are creating, will help update the website regularly along with the appropriate SEO keyword system.

8. Content Strategist

Are you slacking with uploading your posts and need someone to help organise your content strategy? Hire a content strategist to manage all your social media platforms, and make sure videos are going up and that they are all going up on time.

You know you need one when your audience is asking you to upload videos, but you haven’t in 2-3 weeks. It is very important to keep up with your uploads as someone else is uploading and pushing their video above yours. Stay on top, as this isn’t a game, it is your full-time job.

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