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Which Type of Selfie Taker Are you?

Find out what kind of selfie-taker you are!

What type of selfie taker are you?

Selfies have become a popular way of capturing a moment, expressing oneself, and sharing experiences with others. Are you someone who loves taking selfies? Have you ever thought about which type of selfie-taker you are? Read below to find out!

Duck Face

Duck Face is The Model Pout’s less-serious younger sister and always looks good in pics. The silly pose is one of the most popular poses among selfies.

The Golden Hour

This selfie is only used in situations of extremely good lighting. Usually coming from the sun. Look up and embrace the golden hour.

Kissy Face

Ever since the beginning of pictures, every girl has done a kissy face in photos, it shows off the “good side” of your face and cheekbones.

Silly Face

As you scroll through Instagram, you are very likely to come across a bunch of people making silly faces, Taking a selfie with a silly face has become one of the most popular picture poses, have you used it?

Model Pout

This pose puts your lips front and center but doesn’t look as exaggerated as a duck or kissy face.

Mirror Selfie

Taking a picture of your mirror reflection is one of the best ways to show off your look.

The Squinch

Have you ever squinted your eyes in a picture as if you were looking at the sun, then you’ve done the squinch pose.

The Claw

If you are someone who holds their hand near their face while taking selfies, then your using the Clay pose

Head Tilt Pose

It is said that tilting your head in pictures makes you more photogenic and helps you get a better angle of yourself, so if this is your go-to pose, you’re doing it right.

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