Instagram recommendations are now updated to support a wider range of content. The recommendation feature on the platform is one of the numerous features that are curated to support influencers and their creative content. It is a feature that can, however, make or break an account as it plays a huge role in connecting creators to new followers. Recommendations are being added to different aspects of the platform, including Reels and Explore.
Why are Instagram Recommendations important?
Recommendations play a massive role in inspiring content creators and allowing them to see what fellow influencers are focused on. With users, Instagram recommendations give them the opportunity to see content that is aligned with their interests. The feature is extremely useful for influencers as it helps them boost their reach.
How do Recommendations work?
With the help of saving, sharing and liking posts, Instagram helps design a set of recommendations for its users. According to Instagram, they look “at a number of signals to personalise recommendations, such as how many and how quickly other people are liking, commenting, sharing and saving a post; a person’s interaction history with the person who posted; other posts a person has liked or commented on”.

It is also important to note that the preferences set by the user also play a role in how content is recommended. Users can tag posts as ‘Not Interested’, which will help the algorithm show more relevant content. Read more about how Instagram tests new features to control what we see on the platform.
How do Influencers get recommended?
What can influencers do to be recommended to new users? Most creators face this crucial question as Instagram recommendations play a huge role in helping influencers gain more following and reach different demographics. Here are the three things you should keep in mind when creating content.
Recommendation guidelines
Instagram has a set of guidelines for what they recommend to its users. Since the content is being recommended to people who don’t follow you, Instagram has high standards on what’s put out to users. The content cannot depict violence, promote regulated substances, or be sexually explicit. The post should also be able to catch the attention of the viewers in the first three seconds. If the content is not aligned with recommendation guidelines, it will only be shown to your followers.
Repeating posts or sharing the content with watermarks reduces the chances of Instagram recommending your content to new users. You can check out the set of complete guidelines here.
Community Guidelines
Instagram prioritises the health of its community and its members. It is, therefore, important to always abide by the platform’s community guidelines when posting content. This affects how posts are recommended to non-followers and how all content on the platform is filtered. Instagram removes content from the platform when it does not follow community guidelines. Your account can also be taken down when it violates the guidelines.
Public Account
All business and creator accounts are public accounts. Instagram recommendations are only possible for these accounts.
Insights are a great way to understand reach!
If you have a business or creator account, you will be able to access Instagram Insights. Insights help you monitor your performance. It will show creators what accounts they are reaching and what posts are engaging well. When trying to get on the Instagram recommendations page, it is essential to keep an eye on your insights!
Instagram recommendations are vital to growing your brand on the platform. With the help of the steps mentioned above, you will be able to reach a larger audience and get an opportunity to share your creativity with more people.
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