Get Organised
Get organised – There is no beating around the bush so let’s get straight to the point. Organisation is the key point to consider and prioritise before starting any project. This means clearing your desk or space with anything that is distracting and making it your own. If you have created a vision board for the year, then we advise that you put this up right in front of you so you can see the goals you wish to achieve.
Now that you’ve made a comfortable spot, this will give you the motivation to get the work done!

Research First
Choose 3-4 social media profiles that you like on social media and write down why you like this. This will be your research phase to give you take you back to the beginning. Sometimes we get so ahead of ourselves that we may completely go off-topic and therefore it is a good idea to do some research. It could be researching by analysing profiles that you like and seeing what is or isn’t working for them, or researching what’s currently trending so you’re seeing what is searched for.
Create a list as you’re going to need to use it later on during this prioritisation process.

Check your insights
Timing is everything and you can find out what time suits you best by checking your insights. Your insights on social media will help the scheduling process later on when understanding when your followers are on social. Insights are there to analyse your profile for you so you don’t have to do the hard work. You can find out everything from the type of people on your profile, to the most popular locations.

Report and Analyse
Monitor your engagement by reporting and analysing it to your team if you have one. If you don’t, then note it down for yourself. If you don’t analyse your profile you will be sitting there lost when doing all of your scheduling so make sure you take your time to look through your feed.

Create a Content Calendar
Now you’ve done your research and analysed your insights and profile, you’re reading to make a content calendar. This should be slightly easier now that you have got all of the time-consuming parts out of the way and should by now know what is working and what isn’t for you to create the perfect scheduling feed.

Create in Bulk
Start filming or taking pictures of your content in bulk. If you take a day doing all of your content in bulk then you don’t have to keep going back and forth with creating (unless you really have to). Your content calendar should be able to help you understand what content you need to create to be able to go out and just film so make sure all the work is detailed and done in your scheduling calendar. Once your bulk content is created, start scheduling it on your social media using your calendar and at the right times that work for your followers.

Know Your Limits
Get the bigger tasks out the way first then smaller tasks. Do what you hate first to reward yourself with the good part, but know your limits. Don’t over-crowd yourself with work all in one day. Take simple steps to schedule things otherwise, you could tire yourself out for no reason as your content may turn out bad if you’re rushing it. Prioritising your scheduling is important to stay organised and help for future partnerships and projects to keep your time in order.

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