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Signs & symptoms of social media addiction 2023

Are you spending too much time on social media? Check here if you’re addicted to it

Signs and symptoms of social media addiction 2023

Do you know if you’re spending too much time on social media? Are you unsure of what the signs and symptoms are of social media addiction? If you are here to learn more about social media addiction for yourself or someone you know, then you’re in the right place.

What are the signs & symptoms?

According to a report, you should be spending just 30 minutes on social media a day. If you spend 1 hour, that’s fine but anything more than that, you soon become attached to the platform.

Countless scrolling on social media may feel good at the time, however, can have after-effects that damage your mind and body. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of social media addiction:

  • Spending over 30 minutes on social media a day
  • Constantly needing to open your social media app
  • Less time spent on outside/other activities
  • Checking social media in the morning and at night
  • Dependant on social media to lift your mood – feeling down when away/off social media
  • Using social media while doing other mindful activities like walking or spending time with family/friends
  • Feeling uncomfortable when unable to use social media
  • Comparing yourself to others

How you can help yourself

If you’ve found yourself doing a lot of the above, then you need to take action now. Here are some ways that you can help yourself to stop your social media addiction:

  • Put a time limit on your phone for how long you’re spending on socials
  • Go for a walk or do an activity leaving your phone at home
  • Join a class or find a hobby to fill your time
  • Take your social media apps off the front of your homepage screen
  • Take time for real interactions rather than online interactions
  • Write a list of 10 things you are grateful for every morning – this will remind you to stay mindful of where you are and what you have so you don’t compare yourself to others

Start noticing the symptoms earlier rather than later will help you. But if you do feel like you have become a social media addict, then slowly start to separate yourself from your device with the simple steps above.

Do you have a social media addiction or have you recovered from it? Let us know by sharing your story with us tagging @itpliveme on X and @itplive on Instagram.

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