The unsend feature is a very welcome addition to the Instagram family. Whether it was a note written in haste or a long paragraph penned in anger, we all direct messages to people without really intending to. In the world of social media, this is a very common occurrence. From drunk texts to honest mistakes, mishaps happen all the time. While Facebook has a 10-minute limit on its unsend feature, Instagram allows you to unsend messages whenever. The lack of time limit is definitely a benefit to Instagram users and is perfect for that unintentional forward you seem to be sending quite often these days.
What is Instagram Direct?
Instagram Direct is the messaging section of Instagram. It allows one to connect with followers and share information and posts. Direct Messaging, or DMs as it is popularly known, is an integral part of the app and is used extensively by all its users. It also allows you to make group chats, which is extremely helpful when you want to share information with a set of followers on the app. Instagram Direct has evolved over the years and has had many features added to it, making it more efficient and easy to use. The Unsend feature is one such feature that was added to provide a more seamless and straightforward way to contact friends, family or followers.
How to Unsend a Message on Instagram Direct
Unsending a message on Instagram is a very simple process. All you have to do is select the message you would like to unsend and choose the option ‘unsend’. Once you confirm the unsend, the message will disappear from the conversation for you and your contact. However, it is essential to note that you will not be able to unsend messages in bulk. You will have to select messages one by one if you require to unsend a lot of your messages.

You will also be able to unsend messages in group chats, saving you from what could be an embarrassing situation. It is also noteworthy that unsent messages cannot be retrieved after unsending. Double check before you send or unsend a message to avoid awkward situations.
Does the Delete Feature Erase Conversations for Both Parties?
The Delete feature does not delete the conversation for both parties. The unsend feature and delete feature are entirely different. While one erases the message for both parties, the other only removes it from the sender’s chat box. Similar to unsending, the deletion of a conversation cannot be reversed. Therefore it is important to be careful when you delete or unsend.
Your contact will not be notified when you delete your conversation with them!
Will the Receiver know about your Little Mishap?
Thankfully, No. Instagram will not notify your contact about the unsent message. There will be no indication whatsoever that the message was deleted on the receiver’s app. It is, however, possible that your contact could have seen the message before you deleted it, and unfortunately, nothing can be done about it!

It is important to note that your unsent message can be reported. According to Instagram’s rules, when a chat or conversation is reported, the unsent messages will be included in the history. This is to protect the interests of the platform’s users.
Even though unsending a message is very easy, it is best to be super careful when you send messages to people. Instagram’s policies protect its users and is therefore intolerant of abusive or offensive content. Make sure to think twice before you send a message!
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