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Twitter: How to effectively maximize on campaigns with carousel Ads

What are the benefits?


Carousel Ads on Twitter enable marketers and influencers to target and connect with new audiences and further drive traffic to their promoted website via the various images or videos within a single ad.

Carousels are accessible to all advertisers worldwide, via Ads Manager or the API.

The benefits to using carousel adverts

As per Twitter Business:

Engage your audience: Carousels feature an edge-to-edge design that allow people to easily transition across cards.

Drive the right actions: Carousels are available across all Website & App objectives, as well as Video Views when using Video Carousels. Carousels can also be used in Engagement and Awareness campaigns.

Create with ease: Carousels only have a few steps to creation, and follow the same creative specifications as our other image & video formats, allowing you to focus on your story.

Test & learn: Relevant analytics and strong metric coverage are available to help you understand Carousel performance – including card-level & swipe reporting.

New updates this week

Recently, Twitter announced some new helpful hints, for marketers to maximize their carousel ads and posts. 

The platform depicted some of the major Carousel Ads usage possibilities, indicating that Carousels will benefit:

  • Showcasing multiple features or products
  • Promoting multiple offers
  • Illustrating various benefits of an app, product, or service
  • Highlighting multiple reviews and customer quotes or testimonials
  • Breaking up a single image across multiple frames
  • Telling a multi-faceted story

Did you know, you are able to add up to 6 visuals to your campaign and these can either be images and/or videos (in 1 single Carousel Ad).

They also offered some concluding guidelines for developing a successful Carousel Ads strategy.

  • Make sure that your images and videos tell a cohesive story and follow a visual narrative across each frame
  • Clearly feature your product, service, or app and its benefits in your creative
  • Don’t ignore your accompanying headlines, Tweet copy, and calls-to-action. Use these fields to provide extra context and encouragement to readers
  • Customize headlines and URLs if using the multi-destination functionality. This will drive your audience to unique landing pages
  • If leveraging mixed media in your Carousel Ad, image and video aspect ratios should remain consistent (1:1 image with 1:1 video, 16:9 image and 1.91:1 video)
  • Check in on your detailed card-level and swipe metrics reported in your Ads Manager to iterate and learn

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