In order to boost your or your brand’s Instagram presence, you need to analyze your content and find out what works best for your business.
Knowing how to interpret Instagram metrics in real-time can help you find out what content performs best and adjust your marketing efforts while maximizing the undeniable potential of Instagram.
The social platform offers a free tool to analyze your photos and videos – Instagram Insights, and we’re here to provide you all that you need to know about it, and more!
What are Instagram analytics?
Instagram analytics are how you understand the performance of your posts and your account overall.
Whereas Instagram metrics are individual stats, Instagram analytics help you interpret those stats and see patterns in them. For example, follower count (how many followers you have) is a metric – while follower growth rate (how fast your follower count is growing over time) is an analytic.
How to view Insights on Instagram
If you already have a business profile set up, accessing your account Insights is pretty simple. Note that Insights are currently not available for desktop users—to see them, you’ll need to have the Instagram app installed on a smartphone or other mobile device. Read our article on how set up analytics here.
What analytics can you see in Instagram Insights?
There are three main tabs on Instagram Insights: Activity, Content, and Audience.
Activity covers how many people have interacted with your content and how many accounts you’ve reached with your posts lately. This tab is broken down into two subcategories called ‘Interactions’ and ‘Discovery’.
This page shows you insights for a week of time. You may have looked at your profile insights before, but perhaps you haven’t dug into the metrics. Let’s review what you can access here:
Impressions: The number of times your posts have been seen during the time frame.
Interactions: The number of actions taken on your account.
Reach: The number of unique accounts that have seen any of your posts.
Profile Visits: The total number of profile views over the week.
Website Clicks: The number of times visitors have clicked the link to your website from your profile page.
Call/email clicks: the number of times visitors have clicked the call/email button from your profile page.
Mentions: the number of times your account’s handle has been mentioned by other users.
Instagram Audience Analytics
Who is your target audience? I’d bet you have an ideal demographic of followers you are pursuing. But does that align with the individuals who are seeing and interacting with your Instagram posts? Luckily, there’s an entire section of your Instagram analytics dedicated to informing you about your audience.
Here are the main factors to pay attention to
Top locations: This information allows you to see the top five cities and countries where your followers are located.
Age range: How old are your followers? This is an easy way to find out. Instagram breaks it down with the following ranges: 13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+.
Gender: The distribution of your followers separated by men and women.

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