In an Instagram story, the “Fake Drake” said he performed an unreleased song.
Use our sub-categories to find out the latest Global, Regional, Gaming, Interviews, and Social Media news today.
Top Gaming YouTuber Kwebbelkop Replaced with Innovative AI
Kwebbelkop, also known as Jordi Van Den Bussche, talks about his new video, which replicates his physical presence using an AI model. Will viewers still watch an AI clone, though?
TikTok expands “Add to Music App” feature 2023
TikTok expands its new feature to new horizans
Influencer Sophia left Everyone Confused 2023
YouTuber Sophiology, also known as Sophia Idahosa, recently made headlines after she underwent a BBL
TikTok: How to achieve the model facelift in 3 steps
TikToker reveals – It’s not impossible to achieve the model facelift
TikToker Responds to Negative Backlash From Viral Video
Lucy Welcher, a Canadian TikToker, has reacted to backlash after a video of her referring to herself as “too pretty to work” went viral.
Influencer Anthony Charged With Creating Absurd Fake Crimes
The 27-year-old content creator Anthony has been arrested and charged with public mischief.
Who Are Family Fizz On TikTok And Why Are They Controversial?
With millions of followers and a rich influencer lifestyle, Family Fizz is yet another TikTok success story.
X 2023 New Unexpected Update
X adds Incognito Mode controls for spaces hosts
Exciting Rom-Coms To Expect in 2024
Here’s our list of the top 5 upcoming Rom – Com movies to look forward to in 2024. Grab your popcorn (and tissues)
Google Play Movies and TV to be discontinued 2023
Why has Google decided to bid farewell to Google Play movies and TV?